Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My Annual Plan

Yes I know, it's August already and here I am-- just starting to make my life plans. Lol!

I don't know what came over me today while I was on training and we're just doing nothing. Most of the time when I'm not pre-occupied, thoughts come in out of nowhere. So going back, I found myself asking "after the chaos that happened the past few months, what's next?"

Then, the management team of our account visited our class to introduce themselves. They're going to be our bosses once we hit the floor. Hmm, I've been working in this industry for almost 4 years... I was never promoted in CVG even though I was given the chance to handle several leadership responsibilities... I applied thrice, but I just got until the final interview... maybe, I should give myself 3 months to get used to the account, 6 months to a year to be promoted as a Team Manager. This is a pioneer account, we are a pioneer batch... I should be promoted already!

I'm ambitious. I have to because my daughter is depending on me. So if I still don't get promoted here with my new employer, much as I regret to leave the country-- but I have to and I sure will-- have to go out abroad to seek for greener pasture... for me and my only family-- Jada.

With the cost of living and the current wage I'm getting, I can't turn my other "bigger" plans into reality. I've got a lot of bills to pay. I'm not ashame to admit that I'm in debt-- and I need to finish them off so that I can start anew. With two families depending on me, sometimes I have to set aside paying my other debts so that I can also provide for them... but this has to stop. Heck, they're all grown-ups! It's high time that I should only think of me and my daughter's future and nobody else.

I hope luck's on my side now-- and forever. Please...